‘सत्रु गते’को ‘रुपै मोहनी’मा हरिवंश देखी प्रियंका सम्म (भिडियो)
चैत्र ९ गते रिलिज मिती तोकिएको चलचित्र ‘शत्रु गते’को पहिलो गीत ‘रुपै मोहनी’ रिलिज भएको छ । अंग्रेजी नयाँ बर्षको अवसर पारेर गीत सार्वजनिक गरिएको निर्माणपक्षले बताएको छ । लोकराज […]
Trailer Release of Ma Yesto Geet Gauchu
Sudarshan Thapa’s directorial movie Ma Yesto Geet Gauchu has officially launched the trailer of the movie
Paul discloses his feelings to Pooja!!
The location and bond between the artists clearly shows that…
Music video of ‘Ke Baal Bho’ released
inspiring music video of the song penned and composed by Rai herself has been released..[+]